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Written by : Sandra Bilbray 

Summer Fun Bucket List

When summer arrives, the mercury rises and it’s time to slow down the hectic pace of life. But before sinking permanently into your hammock, we have a project for you: Tick off some boxes on your bucket list! What, you say—productivity during the summer? But a bucket list is different from a to-do list. It’s a bucket full of all the fun things you’ve always wanted to do. So while you are whiling away your time this summer—or trying to keep the kids entertained during those dog days—try some suggestions from our list below.

1. Take windsurfing lessons

With a few quick lessons, you will be up and surfing on your bare feet in no time.

2. Go for a ride in a hot air balloon

Do something fun and exhilarating that doesn’t require a lot of physical exertion. You’ll feel like you’re floating on air (because you are), with gorgeous vistas all around.

3. Try out a Zen retreat

Imagine several days of meditation, with no phones, no computers…and no talking!

4. Visit Niagara Falls or the Great Smoky Mountains

Give yourself a breathtaking view this summer by visiting one of these natural wonders.

5. Chill out at a music festival

Summertime and music go hand-in-hand. Find a music festival with a great line-up, get some friends on-board and make a road trip out of it.

6. Host a snow-cone or homemade ice-cream stand

Break out the cooler, grab your kids and make some snow cones or homemade ice cream for the other children in your neighborhood.

7. Organize a block party for your street

Enjoy a potluck that creates community and fosters friendships. Be that neighbor who gets things going.

8. Get certified for SCUBA diving

You don’t need to be near an ocean to get certified, but it will come in handy when you want to make use of it.

9. Turn your yard into an obstacle course for your kids

Slip ’n Slides, tires, hula hoops, jump ropes, basketball hoop, mini mud pits and hopscotch in your driveway or backyard can all create a super-fun obstacle course for your kids (and you, too).

10. Sign up for a race in the fall

Use summer to train (as a family or on your own) for one of the many fall charitable 5K races in your area. Couch to 5K is a great program if you are new to running.

11. Host a clambake

Hosting a clambake at home is easier than you think. But if you don’t have access to good fresh clams or other summery seafood, we suggest a rockin’ backyard barbecue of baby back ribs instead.

12. Fill balloons with paint and have a messy balloon fight

Wear clothes you don’t care about and aim at each other, or aim your balloon at giant paper to create your own artwork. Click here for a little tutorial.

13. Tour your own town

If you were a visitor in your own town, what would you want to see? Where would you eat? Sometimes the best adventures are right in your own backyards.

14. Ride a roller coaster

Whether you are an adult or a kid trapped in an adult’s body, riding a roller coaster might do you some good.

15. Go skinny-dipping

Bare it all in nature and take a dip in a lake or a night swim in your pool.

16. Rent a convertible and drive to the nearest beach

Turn up the sweet jams on the stereo and feel the wind rush through your hair! Oh, and don’t let the kids spill juice on the backseat.

17. Do nothing

No, we didn’t run out of ideas for you, we just know you are overdue for a break. When is the last time you did absolutely nothing and just enjoyed silence? Give yourself a little empty space this summer and just bliss out.

Sandra Bienkowski is a contributing editor for Live Happy.

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